Waste Heat to Energy

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What if there was a solution to lack of water and energy. WE Generating Company has come up with a perfect solution that will solve these two problems. The company is not only able to generate clean drinking water from the atmosphere, but also generate electricity from basic waste.

Billions of people around the world are suffering from lack of water while energy continues to remain a challenge. Many people die or suffer from diseases that are caused due to lack of water. Dysentery, cholera, and typhoid are some of the waterborne diseases that are caused by lack of clean water. In addition, billions of people lack clean, renewable and sustainable energy.

In the past, only arid and semi-arid areas experienced water shortage. Nowadays, things have changed. Global warming and global cooling are real. Places that used to have water in plenty are no longer reliable. What’s more, population increase has put pressure on already scarce water sources. More and more people are in entire need of water. With the ability to produce up to 265,000 gallons of water daily from the atmosphere, this problem has gotten a lasting and sustainable solution.

Atmospheric Water Generation

Production of water is done by an atmospheric water generator. The generator condensates water from air through natural humidity. The generator has many condensers, which receive fluid transfer from electricity generator. Approximately, each condenser in the generator can tap one litre of water per hour. Since there are many condensers in the electricity, it is possible to tap 1000 plus litres of water each hour. The taped water is then gathered in the reservoir, which is channeled to tanks for storage. Atmospheric water generating exercise can yield water even in arid and semi-arid areas. The water generated can be used domestically or commercially.

One of the biggest advantages of atmospheric water generation is that it can be done anywhere in the world. It doesn’t matter whether it is in a desert or a wetland, the exercise is always doable. In addition, the exercise can be done 24 hours a day, seven days a week and 365 days a year. Generating water through this method is basically unlimited. Climate change is not a problem with this technology.

The cost of generation will always come to your mind when you see what this technology can do for you. In general, the cost of generating water and electricity through this method is much lower when compared to traditional methods of generation and extraction. You can save a lot of money when you use this technology. Considering that the installation of this plant is sustainable and renewable, the deal will get even better.

Perhaps one of the most important benefits of this technology is reliability. Water and energy are always needed in your life. Knowing that you’ll get these resources throughout is a big plus. Since generation of water and electricity through this method is unlimited, you’ll not run short of energy or water in the future.

General benefits 

  • Clean, drinkable and usable water for arid areas and other places
  • Reliable – you’ll not lack water again
  • Sustainable – it uses renewable sources to generate energy and water
  • Cost effective
  • Environmental friendly
  • Carbon free production

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Waste To Energy Generating Inc. has been selected as a finalist of the 11 startups at VERGE Hawaii Accelerate Program. Read all our events in this section.

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