Waste Heat to Energy

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Global warming and using low potential waste heat to generating energy.


  • The overall atmospheric temperature has increased by 1°F since 1900.

  • The overall surface temperature also has increased by 1°F over the last 100 years.

  • There has been an increase of 31% in Carbon Dioxide in 200 years and is estimated to be 300% till 2050.

  • United States alone contributes around 25% of the world's Carbon Dioxide emission.

  • The sea level has risen by 10-15 cm.

From this point, we can see from the above facts the atmosphere of our green earth is changing drastically because of global warming. Rise of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has led to the increase of greenhouse effect and hence increasing the temperature of the planet. Polar ice caps are melting at an alarming rate and raising the sea level. The results are catastrophic. The climate are becoming extreme and the hurricanes are ever more powerful in intensity and duration.

What is the cause of all these?

The main cause of the increase in Carbon Dioxide is due to massive industrialization. All the industries use fossil fuels like coal or oil for the generation of energy and emits a humongous amount of Carbon Dioxide and other gases. Another main cause is the emission from vehicles that run on gas. The increase in power consumption in household and offices also forced the use of fossil fuel to meet the ever-growing supply.

What are the solutions?

Scientists are always looking for ways to reduce pollution and alternate source of renewable or green energy. One of the best sources is sustainable energy. Many have started to look for sustainable solutions to day to day problems. There are quite a few resources that are currently depended upon to have what is considered a normal life that may not always be around. This is not something that will affect people in the next few decades, but it eventually could. The logical alternative is to look for sustainable energy sources that will be around regardless of what happens to the current supply of energy like oil, coal, or natural gas.

A sustainable energy source is one that could make energy without having to have outside resources added to it. The reality is that this doesn't really exist although renewable energy is the closest to this as possible. Technically, something like solar depends on the sun which is limited but for all practical purposes it's unlimited for human beings on earth. Tapping into something like solar energy makes sense because it's there. Even a few hours of sunlight at noon for most places there is hundreds of times more energy there for that local area than is actually used.

Currently other forms of sustainable energy are wind power, geothermal power, and water power. All of these do have some dependence on some other materials. Water and Energy generating is among the best form of sustainable energy.

With technology there will be ways of tapping into all this free energy to eventually power society. The huge issue that is faced with renewable energy is storage. Wind doesn't blow all day and the sun doesn't shine 24 hours a day. Some sort of battery system is needed else there would be no power for hours during the day. If it could be stored, it could be a solution. Now then as an example let us consider the designing of a new system, which would revolutionize both water and power. Next let’s consider the present technologies such as Hydro-Electric Dams, water pipelines, reservoirs, desalination plants, and filtration. Then we must consider where water is; it is in the ocean, atmosphere, lakes, rivers and underground. Water is used to turn turbines that in turn provide energy that quite safe and does not pollute the atmosphere. This is among the most stable source of energy since there are many water sources and can be generated from any point as long as there is adequate water to provide sufficient support. For more detailed and comprehensive information, go to www.wegenerating.com.


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